Grace Anglican Church, Markham

Grace Anglican Church, Markham

Posted April 2, 2020

Ecclesiastical Insurance Company contacted Hero Response to perform emergency services after Grace Anglican Church suffered a flood due to a rainstorm event that caused a major roof leak.

Hero Response performed the emergency cleanup, mitigation, and the repairs. During that process they found out that the church had a 70-year-old cast iron boiler tank that was full of asbestos. 

Ecclesiastical Insurance was so satisfied with Hero Responses emergency cleanup that they hired Hero Response privately to perform the abatement.

Hero Response had to perform a Type 3 Asbestos Abatement Operation. Their certified technicians performed the Asbestos Abatement Operation in conjunction with the regulations required as per the Occupation Health and Safety Act, (Regulation 278-05).

Grace Anglican church was very lucky to have Hero Response and their certified technicians respond in such a safe, and timely manner as winter was soon approaching.

The cast iron tank was from the United States and was 8 tons in weight. Hero had a Certified welder attend the site to cut the boiler tank in pieces in order to get rid of the toxic materials. Hero was able to accomplish this job in less than a month so that the church could have their new furnace system installed. Hero Response also had to bring in certified electricians and plumbers to fix their electrical and plumbing issues.

The mechanical room where the boiler was located was adjacent to a daycare, so it was extremely important to follow all Occupational Health and Safety Regulations which Hero Response did.


Hero Response performed the emergency cleanup, mitigation, and the repairs. During that process they found out that the church had a 70-year-old cast iron boiler tank that was full of asbestos. 


  • Category : Flood Remediation / Asbestos Abatement
  • Date : 09/2017
  • Client : Grace Anglican Church
  • Area : 852 sqf